Transit farebox manufacturer
Contactless cash emptying operations, LOW maintenance fees, DIY installation, Partnerships opportunities & more...
Farebox models
Dedicated to the quality of its products and services, TAG CANADA is a Canadian leader, as a manufacturer of high security mechanical fareboxes, vaults and automated fare collection systems.
Classic cartridge
Non-registering mechanical farebox
Complete and high security fare solution for Transit having 20 vehicles and more.
Non-registering mechanical farebox
Mechanical farebox designed to be upgraded easily to an electronic registering farebox
Fusion Vacuum
Fare collection solution by vacuum system. Never touch the money!
Non-registering mechanical farebox
High security fare box ideal for small amount of buses or special operations.
Partnership opportunities
Complete your electronic fare collection system with a farebox
Make public transport accessible to everyoneTransit farebox manufacturer
High security - High-tech - Long term solution
- Contact us
Feel free to contact us! Ask for a quotation.
5, rue des Émeraudes, Lévis, Qc, CanadaFrançais : 418 838-2195 English : 450 558-4881
© All rights reserved Les Industries Tag Rive-Sud inc. 2020